Being Brave…

Being Brave…

I decided to start writing again, even before I came up with a title for this post. Not really sure what I want to say and where this post or blog is even going…so much has changed, yet so much has stayed the same since I started this blog so many years ago.

I know it’s time to change the name, that’s for sure…why? Well, I’m still fluffy ☺️ and while the journey has continued it has moved from weight-loss, to acceptance of who I am to unconditional love of who and where I am on this journey of life, well most of the time!

Yes, there are times that I want to weigh less, truth is, I am more concerned about my health and how I feel, than fitting into that size 10. While that would also be great, it’s more important to me to be the best and healthiest version of me…which is not always easy for sure. I’ve learnt so much about me and seen the world change.

Maybe I’ll keep the name bye bye fluffy for a time longer as I continue on my journey of self acceptance, we all have those days of not loving ourselves enough or worse, comparing ourselves to others. So I’ve titled this post being brave as that’s what I’m doing by sharing glimpses of my inner journey with you…

Is it May already???

Is it May already???

Well the journey continues and I am so excited that this time the reason for me not blogging has nothing to do with me not working on saying goodbye to ‘fluffy’.
IMG_1600The last few months have been part of an amazing journey that I am on to rediscovering self, getting healthy and feeling confident in my own skin. And folks the most important thing is to feel confident and happy in your skin, no matter your size. No point being thin and unhappy!!!

So I’m definitely not at my ideal weight yet and I still have a long way to go. However I’m excited…my clothes are fitting better and my mom is no longer stressing me about by weight, which is definitely a plus! In fact she’s been brilliant over the last few months. You see we had a little chat and I even sent an email, explaining how I was feeling and how her ‘helpful’ comments that were sometimes not so helpful. My mom is an amazing woman and I’m glad to say that not only did she get it, she has been extremely supportive. It helps that she created an environment that was conducive to talking openly and building trust.

So what have I been doing? Well my mom and I went on a ‘RAW diet’ yep that’s right. Admittedly it was more for identifying food allergies and intolerances than losing weight..that was a great added bonus though!! It was really helpful in getting me to look at my relationship with food and how my body reacted to certain things. Since returning to live in Jamaica and getting ChicV, my body has been doing all sorts of funny…including swelling. I was tired of the swollen ankles and knees and had to do something about that and the weight. So going on RAW helped as it isolated foods for me and the swollen ankles and knees….they all but disappeared.

I’ll be honest it was hard to doing the 21 RAW diet challenge…there were times that I was really emotional and so so so sad!!! The minute I reintroduced meat, I was happy again 🙂 It was interesting, instead of craving chocolate and sweets, I was craving meat and I’m not talking chicken. I wanted steak, oxtail, liver. I spoke with a nutritionist briefly and they mentioned that the craving to meat could be associated with my blood type…I found that really interesting. If you like me have battled with weight, you would have heard of the blood type diet…might be worth investigating.

What I realise for me though, is diets don’t work for me because life happens. So instead it has to be a complete lifestyle change…and that’s what I’m working on…..

Happy New Year in February…

Happy New Year in February…

So I am finally picking up my pen and paper (so to speak) and getting back into the swing of things. I have finally come to terms with the fact that I am a routine girl. I work best when there is some sort of structure and the same is true for my health – diet and exercise.

So Christmas was good and although I enjoyed myself and enjoyed the food, I didn’t overindulge. So I didn’t gain any weight, I didn’t lose any either. Instead of beating myself up about it..I’m moving forward.  Read more

Helping hands….

Helping hands….

So this week a good friend of mine, who religiously goes to the gym, yeah that’s so not me. Invited me to go to a free event being hosted by Chai Studios at Emancipation Park. The truth is I hate the gym, for lots and lots of different reasons. Including feeling fat – its a gym right so going there to lose the weight makes perfect sense. Well for me I seem to have an aversion to the gym, so agreeing to go to this event shocked even myself. I do want to stress that if the gym is your thing or if you like spinning or yoga or anything like that, you should check out Chai Studios…they are fabulous and have lots of choice.


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