Feeling great….

Feeling great….

What an absolutely fabulous two weeks, I have to admit that I am feeling great and I’m in a really good place. So last week not only did I go walking twice and to Zumba, you really do have to visit Chai Studios, I also went on the Digicel 5K Run!!! Okay, so I didn’t run all the way, I did run at the start and at the end and I completed the race within 1:15mins even though we stopped along the way.


So did I lose any weight? Not according to the scales. You know what though, my clothes are feeling even better and I wore a pair of trousers that I haven’t worn in over 9 months because I couldn’t fit in them. They fit, they looked good. So even though the scales haven’t moved, I’m changing, I have more energy and I feel better in myself. I’m still a size 16 UK and to get back to a 12 is going to take time. I’m going to do it and I’m going to do it for me.

I’ve read some really brilliant articles on Facebook about losing weigh recently and one of the things that has really stuck out is about being happy, comfortable and confident in your own skin and its true.

The experiences in life make us who we are and we all have different challenges to face. Dropping this weight and keeping it off and really wanting to do that is one of my challenges. The truth is I like food, really like food, it’s not about comfort eating, its about appreciation. I enjoy cooking and baking a lot…so in order to get the satisfaction of making great meals and desserts and not piling on the pounds, I’ve got a great group of friends and family that are happy to sample the dishes I make. So last night I finished making a triffle from scratch, the cake, the custard, the stewed apples, the granola…I must admit I can’t tell you what it tastes like but my folks were thrilled with the results.


I’m learning that finding the balance is essential and so important to get this weight loss thing right. I’ve tried the shakes, the soups, the reducing the calorie count to almost nothing and yes I lost the weight, I also put it back on a hundred fold. So this time, I’m focusing on changing my habits again, reducing the portion sizes and I would love to say not eating after dark (6pm here). The last one isn’t working out as well as I would have liked. However instead of beating myself up, I recognising that I am a work in progress and this will take time.

I’ll be back in that bikini before next summer…can’t wait!

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